What have you done to your bike today....


The Peace Keeper
Staff member
Makes you realise that a reasonably competent home mechanic is probably likely to take more care with their bike and look after the basics better than a dealer.
Amen to that Scrappy.
To them it's the 10am etc job.
To you, it's your bike that you worked hard to afford πŸ™‚
Mechanics (Techs) in main dealerships that give a f#ck, are a rare commodity.


Legendary Knight
Fitted an oil pressure gauge to my T150. Got some very depressing results. Motor is coming out of frame to check mains n big end bearings as something is not right. . On tge plus side i still have 3 rods intact so worst case scenario will be a crank re grind . Just need to find out why it happened. I have built these numerous times but i never miced tbe crank on this as it was freshly done with new shells.
Big mistake on my behalf 😑😑😑😑😑😑


The Peace Keeper
Staff member
Only joking mate πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ i have a time slot for stripping it. next month , when i have retired .
A word or 110 about retirement.......

You enter retirement "thinking" that from the moment you get up, to the moment you fall back into your pit. Is entirely your day, from start to finish.
You may have delusions of a leisurely breakfast. Followed by a bike ride on dry days. Or dicking around in the garage mostly involving tea, biscuits & contemplation?

That is possibly the case if you retire from working in IT, being a milkman, politician or being a similarly useless tw@t? (Most of the time) πŸ€”

You Sir have skills!
The jungle drums will beat. It'll become common knowledge that Daytona (the handy bloke) is now available to be their bitch! 🧐

I predict that you'll be just as busy but there'll be more biscuits, tea & cash payments for bike fuel πŸ˜‹

Doc Strange

Legendary Knight
I realised a few days ago that the service on my Guzzi that I was praising a couple of weeks ago perhaps wasn't as good value as I had initially thought. Looking through the invoice it basically looks like they just replaced the engine oil and filter, did some basic checks, checked the dianostics and that was about it.

Since then I've replaced the transmission oil, the gear box oil, replaced various fixings that were looking a bit crappy, and replaced the engine sump bolt and washer (because it was leaking after the service πŸ™„).

Then today before my trip away, I swapped the air filter for a K&N replacement and fitted new spark plugs. When I removed the old filter there was a load of gunk in the airbox, I sucked nearly 250cc of the crap out in a syringe 😲 and then cleaned everything before fitting the new filter. The Guzzi workshop manual states that the plug gap should be between 0.6mm and 0.7mm, both the new plugs and the old ones had a gap of at least 0.85mm πŸ€” so initially I had planned to set the gap to 0.65mm but opted for 0.7mm. I'm assuming that when the plugs were last changed they were probably just fitted straight out the box without being checked.

Should I be concerned about the amount of crap in the airbox? (other than it obviously must have taken some time to accumulate and the bike has been serviced twice in the last few months) - And would there be any reason for intentionally setting a larger spark plug gap? πŸ€”

Took the bike for a test ride and it seems to be running great πŸ‘

Makes you realise that a reasonably competent home mechanic is probably likely to take more care with their bike and look after the basics better than a dealer.

My mate who got a new V85TT had to have one of the rocker cover bolts replaced after it fell out between purchase and 600 mile service having not been torqued up properly!


Doc Strange

Legendary Knight
Unexpected ride out yesterday as a mate who is over from Ireland on his Harley dropped in a day early, which gave us some time to get out and about in Nottinghamshire, Rutland and Leicestershire.

I was surprised at how he could manoeuvre it at low speeds - it's not raked out and had a surprisingly small turning circle.

But although sprung, it's nowhere near as plush as the GS on potholed small A and B roads.

Good day :)


Steve 998cc

Legendary Knight
Love it mate, i already have 2 bike servicing jobs lined up. Cams n shock linkages on both bikes LOL . And a T160 full service.
then i have my own bikes to sort πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ
You know all those jobs you said to her I'll do that when i retire well they are just about to come back to haunt you. I've been retired 11 years in November retired at 55 only just seen the end of them, and don't forget the dad now your retired can you just do this jobs. This retirement lark is not all it's cracked up to be.
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Legendary Knight
Day two started early about 6 am, met up with an old mate who was my guide around the area.

First was a good run around the New Forest.



I'll have to see if I can get some decent stills off my GoPro because it was a stunning ride, beautiful scenery.

Next stop was Lymington to look for breakfast, but bacon sarnies were acquired later πŸ˜‹



Then spent the rest of the morning riding along the coast 😎
