What have you done to your bike today....

Doc Strange

Legendary Knight
Well it required exiting our road by riding on the pavement as they are laying new tarmac today, but I managed a nice couple of hours in glorious sunshine but getting nippy weather.

A cuppa and a slice of carrot cake rather than my regular chocolate shortbread biscuit contributed to pleasant stop.

Couldn't get bike back into road, so parked up and will garage it later this evening.



Forum Duck
Well I decided to cut back on my hours a bit and went out on Stacy..
I loved having some time that was actually just for me and my motorbike..
I needed some time to clear my head a little and had forgotten just how much we connect with our bikes and something else on for want of a better way of putting it a spiritual level of sorts..Everything just washes away and you kinda find an inner peace of sorts...
It was brilliant and I'm now so chilled relaxed and very very tired..
Then it pissed it down as if the universe was saying I'm gonna wash away all your troubles with a good downpour..I loved it..Absolutely soaked and froze but I was weaving along in the rain singing to myself and really happy..Took some shelter under some leaky trees after being soaked by a few HGV's passing in opposite direction and then thought fuck this i feel like doing Gene Kelly singing in the rain the motorbike version..
I don't really know where I've been on the bike but I did pass through chatsworth estate..
Anyway I love my motorbike and am grateful for what my bike does for me...
Its not about what you ride but why you ride..🦆Screenshot_20211004-162219_Gallery.jpgScreenshot_20211004-162149_Gallery.jpgScreenshot_20211004-162144_Gallery.jpgScreenshot_20211004-162044_Gallery.jpgScreenshot_20211004-162213_Gallery.jpg

Sarky B’stard

Legendary Knight
Stacy became Jemima.

Printed Vintage Victorian Beatrix Potter Jemima Puddle Duck image 1


The Peace Keeper
Staff member
I've heard he's realised that the sticky labels on the wheels informing of the bike make are not needed and he's going to peel them off.
He hated all the stickers & the top box. In fact the top box was heading for the nearest skip. And the stickers were being peeled off.

Then everyone he met commented on how cool the stickers are. And he realised just how handy the top box is.

You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink.
Ducks are a different story though. They love water 🤗


Forum Duck
What's that I hear you all say.whats Duck done on his bus today you were all wondering...
Well its funny you should ask cos my guts tells me you all really wanna know...
Just done a college run from Buxton to leak in absolutely diabolical weather conditions..Big heavy scania being blown all over the place and zero visibility at times..coming the other way I spy some poor cnut on a bike really struggling to stay on the road..Thought to myself he's not gonna make it..So on return journey I kept an eye out for the bike and body and lo and behold I come across the same biker walking along trying hard to push his bike along the road...
Thought to myself well I ain't the kinda bloke to stop and help a biker with l plates on and risk my job and everything no sir not me..Besides its probably illegal and everything and what do I care if the daft so and so gets killed by a passing truck or anything..
So I left the poor bastard to his fate and thought fuck it I ain't no soppy bollox help someone in distress kinda guy..I got a reputation of being a bastard to think of 😉🦆

Public Enemy

Staff member
What's that I hear you all say.whats Duck done on his bus today you were all wondering...
Well its funny you should ask cos my guts tells me you all really wanna know...
Just done a college run from Buxton to leak in absolutely diabolical weather conditions..Big heavy scania being blown all over the place and zero visibility at times..coming the other way I spy some poor cnut on a bike really struggling to stay on the road..Thought to myself he's not gonna make it..So on return journey I kept an eye out for the bike and body and lo and behold I come across the same biker walking along trying hard to push his bike along the road...
Thought to myself well I ain't the kinda bloke to stop and help a biker with l plates on and risk my job and everything no sir not me..Besides its probably illegal and everything and what do I care if the daft so and so gets killed by a passing truck or anything..
So I left the poor bastard to his fate and thought fuck it I ain't no soppy bollox help someone in distress kinda guy..I got a reputation of being a bastard to think of 😉🦆
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Good man yerself. Hope he bought a ticket!