What have you done to your bike today....


The Peace Keeper
Staff member
What's that I hear you all say.whats Duck done on his bus today you were all wondering...
Well its funny you should ask cos my guts tells me you all really wanna know...
Just done a college run from Buxton to leak in absolutely diabolical weather conditions..Big heavy scania being blown all over the place and zero visibility at times..coming the other way I spy some poor cnut on a bike really struggling to stay on the road..Thought to myself he's not gonna make it..So on return journey I kept an eye out for the bike and body and lo and behold I come across the same biker walking along trying hard to push his bike along the road...
Thought to myself well I ain't the kinda bloke to stop and help a biker with l plates on and risk my job and everything no sir not me..Besides its probably illegal and everything and what do I care if the daft so and so gets killed by a passing truck or anything..
So I left the poor bastard to his fate and thought fuck it I ain't no soppy bollox help someone in distress kinda guy..I got a reputation of being a bastard to think of πŸ˜‰πŸ¦†
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You're a great guy with a big heart Duck! πŸ€—

But if anyone asks me I'll deny I said that. And stick with you being a bellend.
No offence mate πŸ˜‰


Legendary Knight
No, not those.
The good stickers that elevate you to sticker royalty πŸ˜‰
You know that 'That Fucking Fiat' I can't show here.

So people don't feel out of the loop I sent DD pics of a customer's (hence I can't schlep it out on a public forum) 500 Abarth that is sickening to good taste. That I have sadly made happen.

We've stuck yet more shit on that car since you saw it.


Forum Duck
You know that 'That Fucking Fiat' I can't show here.

So people don't feel out of the loop I sent DD pics of a customer's (hence I can't schlep it out on a public forum) 500 Abarth that is sickening to good taste. That I have sadly made happen.

We've stuck yet more shit on that car since you saw it.
I wanna see pictures..
More info required πŸ‘πŸ¦†


Legendary Knight
Very smart @Scrappy any further enhancements due?

That looks super cool and smart..I like it..πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ¦†

Thanks gents :)

I'm making it up as I go along, I've still got the chrome tank to fit, and I've some idea of other things I may look at changing. I can't make up my mind if I should fit the clip-on bars :unsure: - Ideally I'd have another one, I've really fallen for the Guzzi and I'd like to have a couple of different styles, keeping one more practical with greater comfort for long rides/touring, and then have the other just for having fun with. So as I can't afford that, I'm a bit conflicted as to what changes to make πŸ˜•

half ton

Legendary Knight
Thanks gents :)

I'm making it up as I go along, I've still got the chrome tank to fit, and I've some idea of other things I may look at changing. I can't make up my mind if I should fit the clip-on bars :unsure: - Ideally I'd have another one, I've really fallen for the Guzzi and I'd like to have a couple of different styles, keeping one more practical with greater comfort for long rides/touring, and then have the other just for having fun with. So as I can't afford that, I'm a bit conflicted as to what changes to make πŸ˜•
Sell the Bonnie mate and go full Eye Tie, Them Guzzi's look sooo nice when personalised,Hippo drones from TTF had / has a very nice one.

Doc Strange

Legendary Knight
Managed a nice long lunchtime ride - no cuppa stop this time, but a nice figure-of-eight of country roads.

Lovely weather, was lucky with the traffic and no queues at all when filling up on the way back :)

Hopefully it will stay nice and I'll squeeze in some longer rides at the w/e.

May even get the Daytona out for one more blast before I take off the road for winter tinkering.
