What have you done to your bike today....


Forum Duck
No rubber grommets on these..just hard plastic...πŸ¦†
It should be rubber grommets with pins already incorporated into the fairing when it came out of the mould at the plastics factory..
I have no idea what as happened here..
Like @Don the Don says now we need to remove it all as safely as possible and go from there..
Unfortunately I lack finess and patience when a so called 20 minute job starts going into three hours later and looking like taking up the whole day..πŸ¦†

Don the Don

Legendary Knight
Just looking at it won't get it done, some times you have to take the bull by the bollocks, remove all old fixing as best you can Duck with whatever tools you have and try very hard to find that inner patience without doing a Donald Duck on it and ripping the poor machine to shreds,
Or is there anyone near who can help?



Forum Duck
Just looking at it won't get it done, some times you have to take the bull by the bollocks, remove all old fixing as best you can Duck with whatever tools you have and try very hard to find that inner patience without doing a Donald Duck on it and ripping the poor machine to shreds,
Or is there anyone near who can help?

View attachment 15193
Well you ain't actually got any real psychiatric facilities around here so..Nope..No help coming any time soon πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ‘πŸ¦†

Don the Don

Legendary Knight
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Forum Duck


The Peace Keeper
Staff member
The hard plastic clips are in two pieces.
An outer ring & a central part.
To release them you simply gently press down in the centre.
I can't see why you're struggling Duck.