What have you done to your bike today....


Forum Duck
I've come inside to warm up a bit as everything is going a bit pear and the cold and damp is making my leg ache and I'm getting a bit tetchy..I can't get the bloody indicator to fit on..
I'm thinking washing up liquid to try and slip it in or blow torch is becoming a more tempting option...πŸ¦†


Forum Duck
Remember, coat hanger, not angle grinder!

Talking of angle grinder solutions...
I'm currently trying to fit this indicator rubber grommets malarkey into that hole on the fairing..now I'm not exactly known for my patience and finesse...why won't it fit and should I make the hole bigger or just strip the versys naked with the angle grinder and weld my ammo boxes onto it..Screenshot_20220304-124256_Gallery.jpgScreenshot_20220304-124251_Gallery.jpg


Legendary Knight
Talking of angle grinder solutions...
I'm currently trying to fit this indicator rubber grommets malarkey into that hole on the fairing..now I'm not exactly known for my patience and finesse...why won't it fit and should I make the hole bigger or just strip the versys naked with the angle grinder and weld my ammo boxes onto it..
Put some Swarfega in the hole. The grommet should go in easier.


Forum Duck
OK so a plate as now fallen out the indicator which as got to go back in before I try heating the rubber up with a heat gun as no amount of grease is having any effect..
I'm getting very short tempered as I've basically wasted my entire day and a days fucking wages I could have earned on fuck all...
I can see how one thing after another eventually becomes too much and people eventually snap and kill every fucker that stands before them...


Forum Duck
Right that's it...
Some Chinese twat in Beijing is laughing at me Right now knowing he made this over priced piece of shit made in China piece of plastic...

Fuck Russia...

Let's nuke Beijing unless they meet our demands and put a you tube video online showing an easy way to fit this indicator..Also they need to boost my Internet data signal thing or I can't watch it unless I sit on the roof..

Nuke Beijing I say...πŸ€¬πŸ€¬πŸ€¬πŸ‘πŸ¦†