What have you done to your bike today....


Forum Duck
I remember the first new washing machine i bought. I was 16 and just moved into a bedsit, in the big city. I never read the instructions, so never unbolted that big concrete travel weight in the back. Anyway. I set it on intense wash, maximum spin speed, and went out. When i came home, all the other bedsit dwellers were sitting outside in the hallway, with chunks of plaster all over the place, and water coming through the ceiling. It was
even worse in my kitchen. It had been bouncing around for a couple of hrs, and smashed all the units and the worktops to pieces, and punched a hole in the wall, into the next bedsit, big enough to crawl though. it looked like someone had thrown a hand grenade in there, and shut the door. What s fucking mess. :)
I want one 👍👍👍🦆


Forum Duck
Got Annie out for first proper dry ride this year. Up through the Peak District to Buxton, back via Bakewell and Grindleford, obviously including a visit to the Yondermann cafe. My mate's new Beemer next to Annie.
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I'm back and officially on the road as of today's test run over to Wigan via fuck knows where..
Weather permitting will catch up soon 👍👍👍🦆Screenshot_20220313-183541_Gallery.jpgScreenshot_20220313-183522_Gallery.jpg


Legendary Knight
A glorious run up to central London this morning in the sunshine:)

I am also enjoying the feel of warm rubber tank pads on my inner thigh instead of cold steel on these fresh mornings(y)
You should make it clear to people you were riding a motorcycle.

You *were* riding a motorcycle Nick, please tell us that. South East today didn't report any 'unusual disruption' on the Brighton line so I've fingers crossed.


Forum Duck
In a small act of homage to Duck I have given my angle grinder an outing. Having done everything else on the mower the blades needed a sharpen.

All I need now is for something to start growing. Steady at the back! There's still snow on the tops round here.
Big angle grinder plans start from small beginnings...
I think Lawrence of Arabia said that and I believe it...🦆


Legendary Knight
All I need now is for something to start growing. Steady at the back! There's still snow on the tops round here.

Help is at hand.