What have you done to your bike today....


Legendary Knight
Which one? I have a one way valve that I use on the bike, as the piping is smaller for the 8mm bleed nipples.

I have a vacuum bleed kit too, trouble with those is they can actually suck air round the threads of the nipple, still end up with the press the pedal and tighten the bleed while the pedal is down.

I Also have an eezi-bleed which is okay on the LR, as long as you don't put too much pressure behind it. And fer gawds sake make sure it's sealed on the master reservoir, cos damn it makes a fechin mess if it isn't! Paint stripper! 😱
You got it right on the vacuum kits. I even put Jubilee clips around the hose, and it still sucked air from outside. I gave my kit to my brother, because he is an inquisitive bastard, and like's to solve problems. Me, if it dont work after 3 attempt's. it goe's in the fucking bin. Get a trigger oil can and be done with it mate.

Big Sandy

Legendary Knight
it still sucked air from outside.
Yeah, pita sucks the air round the threads. They are only useful if you are starting with a completely empty system, and you're going to bleed it the old fashioned way after.

The oil can is a good idea. I've done the job with a big syringe, bled it backwards. Good way to shift an airlock.

My fave trick when there's stuck air is to pump the living daylights out of the pedal, stamp the hell out of it... Breaks a big bubble up into little ones that bleeding will shift.

Ahhh S3 dual line brake systems.... Where's me hammer.


Legendary Knight
I just purchased one of them brake bleed kits..gonna use it on the Duckmobile but possibly not the bike...never used one before...Anyone know if they are any good 🦆

I got one the same as that below, and whilst its not brilliant quality, it does the job and I found it made bleeding the brakes on my bikes easier.

Screenshot 2022-03-27 185724.jpg


Forum Duck
I got one the same as that below, and whilst its not brilliant quality, it does the job and I found it made bleeding the brakes on my bikes easier.

View attachment 15952
Much posher than the Peasant version I got 🦆


The Peace Keeper
Staff member
Much posher than the Peasant version I got 🦆
The true peasant version (& it's ace) is a length of bunsen burner hose, a nail or similar blocking one end & a slit cut into the hose 1/2" or so above the level of where the nail comes to inside hose.
Immerse the hose in a jam jar of brake fluid & ensure the slit never comes above the fluid level.
Pump the pedal/lever & the fluid comes down the hose, forces open the slit & the fluid enters the jar. But as soon as you stop pumping the slit closes up & no air gets back into the system.
Costs pennies & works a treat.

Simples! 😃


Forum Duck
The true peasant version (& it's ace) is a length of bunsen burner hose, a nail or similar blocking one end & a slit cut into the hose 1/2" or so above the level of where the nail comes to inside hose.
Immerse the hose in a jam jar of brake fluid & ensure the slit never comes above the fluid level.
Pump the pedal/lever & the fluid comes down the hose, forces open the slit & the fluid enters the jar. But as soon as you stop pumping the slit closes up & no air gets back into the system.
Costs pennies & works a treat.

Simples! 😃
That's the way I've always done it until now...
My landlady as put restrictions on my apprentice mechanic and helper visiting or even being anywhere on the property...
So that's why I got this kit which I have no faith in at all to be fair...
Without my sexy little helper to pump and hold my pedal I need a realistic alternative...🦆

Bad Billy

Piemantino Rossi
That's the way I've always done it until now...
My landlady as put restrictions on my apprentice mechanic and helper visiting or even being anywhere on the property...
So that's why I got this kit which I have no faith in at all to be fair...
Without my sexy little helper to pump and hold my pedal I need a realistic alternative...🦆
WTF has it to do with your landlady who visits Duck?


The Peace Keeper
Staff member
That's the way I've always done it until now...
My landlady as put restrictions on my apprentice mechanic and helper visiting or even being anywhere on the property...
So that's why I got this kit which I have no faith in at all to be fair...
Without my sexy little helper to pump and hold my pedal I need a realistic alternative...🦆
As you know, I already knew about the situation with your landlady.
But has she offered any justification for not allowing Stacy to visit yet?
On the one hand it's her property & therefore she can call the shots. However, on the other hand. As a paying tenant you have rights.
I appreciate that you don't want to rock the boat. But she'd be very silly to kick you out on the grounds of not approving of your visitors.


The Peace Keeper
Staff member
I expect the landlady is between rock and a hard place, with Duck in one of her properties and the ex-wife next door, what ever she does is going to piss off one tenant or the other 🤔
I suggested that as the cause but apparently the landlady isn't a fan of Ducks ex?
From what Duck has said. It sounds like the landlady isn't dealing from the full deck. And she's taken a dislike to Stacy for no justifiable reason.


Forum Duck
As you know, I already knew about the situation with your landlady.
But has she offered any justification for not allowing Stacy to visit yet?
On the one hand it's her property & therefore she can call the shots. However, on the other hand. As a paying tenant you have rights.
I appreciate that you don't want to rock the boat. But she'd be very silly to kick you out on the grounds of not approving of your visitors.
She thinks Stacy is evil..I mean true devil worshipping ducks Satan's cock evil...She also thinks her presence is disrespectful to my ex and to my landlady herself...
Things will have to change one way or another 🦆


The Peace Keeper
Staff member
She thinks Stacy is evil..I mean true devil worshipping ducks Satan's cock evil...She also thinks her presence is disrespectful to my ex and to my landlady herself...
Things will have to change one way or another 🦆
Sounds like her claim to not being best buddies with your ex might be a smokescreen Duck?
Having spent several hours in the company of yourself & Stacy. I have no idea what your landlady is talking about.
Even Mrs DD liked Stacy, & she's world renowned for saying it exactly as it is! 😳