What have you done to your bike today....

Old Nick

Legendary Knight
After adjusting the chain and tyre pressures and filling up with fuel at 167.9p, had a lovely pleasure ride around the highways and byways of East Sussex through Hailsham, Hersmonceux, Ninfield, Catsfield, Bexhill, and home

And it occurs to me that there is nowhere as calming or pleasant in any other Country than an English Village in the Summertime, time seems to enter a different dimension as everything slows down and I’m more than happy to bimble around at 30/40 (y)

Shame I had to come home to the land of Chaos:oops:


Legendary Knight
Well I was doing some adjustments on the Royal Enfield today as I wasn't quite happy with the position of the gear lever and the front brake has been, quite simply, terrifying, since I first received the bike. Tried adjust the cable first over the last couple of short rides but found that the lever, after initial seeming to bring some braking to the table, would then come all the way to the bar and I would be praying to God and stamping the back brake to try and come to a stop and I'm not going to lie, a couple of times going head to head with cars on the single track roads around here, I had to squeeze past them at fifteen or twenty mile per hour as I simply couldn't stop in time. Turned out that the lower locking nut on the front drum was a fraction of a turn from falling off and so the cable was only pulling on the upper actuator of the front drum! Soon as I fixed that I discovered that the front drum is actually reasonably capable after all. Sure it ain't gonna generate stoppies but it slows the bike down quickly enough. On the gear side, after an inital adjustment which, I discovered when I went for a short test drive, left me unable to get it into 2nd, 3rd, 4th or 5th I got the gear lever position as good as I could get it, a little baggy and requires a fair bit of movement up and down to shift gears, but otherwise no worse really than any other gearbox. After those mods and a little tweaking of the mixture screw on the carb I took the bike out for a spin around my local 'circuit' out to the Rest and Be Thankful, along to the turn for Dunoon and then back into my village via Hell's Glen, and I really pushed her. She is actually a pretty nimble bike, pretty surefooted and by christ that machine gun roar is fun. I'm not sure just what her top speed is as, when the speedo reaches a little North of 60mph, the needle starts to swing wildly back and forwards but, head down behind the screen, and judging by the way the scenery was going past, I would say that, although the speedo didn't go past the 70mph mark, the bike was definitely past it and possibly around the eighty to eighty five mark or more. I can't say for certain all the work that has been done to this motor apart from bigger valves and a ported head but I would guess it's got the sporty cams from Hitchcocks and possibly a higher compression piston. Once you get to grips with the wee monster it actually repays a damn good thrashing and is, without a doubt, a great fun bike to ride.

I must admit that I felt I had paid a bit over the odds for the bike and that it hadn't had quite so much love and affection lavished on it as was claimed but I think I may have been rather hasty in that assessment.

Sarky B’stard

Legendary Knight
Well I was doing some adjustments on the Royal Enfield today as I wasn't quite happy with the position of the gear lever and the front brake has been, quite simply, terrifying, since I first received the bike. Tried adjust the cable first over the last couple of short rides but found that the lever, after initial seeming to bring some braking to the table, would then come all the way to the bar and I would be praying to God and stamping the back brake to try and come to a stop and I'm not going to lie, a couple of times going head to head with cars on the single track roads around here, I had to squeeze past them at fifteen or twenty mile per hour as I simply couldn't stop in time. Turned out that the lower locking nut on the front drum was a fraction of a turn from falling off and so the cable was only pulling on the upper actuator of the front drum! Soon as I fixed that I discovered that the front drum is actually reasonably capable after all. Sure it ain't gonna generate stoppies but it slows the bike down quickly enough. On the gear side, after an inital adjustment which, I discovered when I went for a short test drive, left me unable to get it into 2nd, 3rd, 4th or 5th I got the gear lever position as good as I could get it, a little baggy and requires a fair bit of movement up and down to shift gears, but otherwise no worse really than any other gearbox. After those mods and a little tweaking of the mixture screw on the carb I took the bike out for a spin around my local 'circuit' out to the Rest and Be Thankful, along to the turn for Dunoon and then back into my village via Hell's Glen, and I really pushed her. She is actually a pretty nimble bike, pretty surefooted and by christ that machine gun roar is fun. I'm not sure just what her top speed is as, when the speedo reaches a little North of 60mph, the needle starts to swing wildly back and forwards but, head down behind the screen, and judging by the way the scenery was going past, I would say that, although the speedo didn't go past the 70mph mark, the bike was definitely past it and possibly around the eighty to eighty five mark or more. I can't say for certain all the work that has been done to this motor apart from bigger valves and a ported head but I would guess it's got the sporty cams from Hitchcocks and possibly a higher compression piston. Once you get to grips with the wee monster it actually repays a damn good thrashing and is, without a doubt, a great fun bike to ride.

I must admit that I felt I had paid a bit over the odds for the bike and that it hadn't had quite so much love and affection lavished on it as was claimed but I think I may have been rather hasty in that assessment.
Well you were certainly hasty getting on the bloody thing without thoroughly checking the brakes first!

Don the Don

Legendary Knight
I would be praying to God and stamping the back brake to try and come to a stop and I'm not going to lie, a couple of times going head to head with cars on the single track roads around here, I had to squeeze past them at fifteen or twenty mile per hour as I simply couldn't stop in time.
It's your Arse cheeks that need squeezing @MartytheMartian, old type bikes and modern traffic require a lot longer period when braking, one reason I had a newer variant I have touched cloth too many times in the past on drum brakes, you should try old MZ ones the oh god I don't want to die scenario soon slows you down and makes you ride accordingly., Take care


Legendary Knight
I have only once ridden an MZ about thirty years ago. I had killed the bike I was using to get back and forward to work and so was desperate. The breakers had an MZ for sale for a couple of hundred. I took it for a test ride and the thing didn't go fast enough to really require brakes but by christ the smoke put out by the thing was incredible.

The brakes felt alright when the bike was delivered @Sarky B’stard and the brakes did come on when pulled so I did commit the sin of not checking the nuts and bolts of the thing myself and just fiddled with the adjuster at the lever to try and get them better. The front isn't actually too bad at all now that I have adjusted the shoes although definitely not comparable to a good disc.

Doc Strange

Legendary Knight
Well, I didn't end up doing the track evening after all - changing weather forecast made me hold on booking and then abandoning all together - the right decision given how it turned out.

Daytona is feeling tip top though so will hopefully squeeze another in at some point before it all gets dark and shitty.


Big Sandy

Legendary Knight
Back to swearing at it ...persistent misfire under load. Another coil pack no doubt. Not consistent enough to say which one yet. Neutral switch still playing silly fechers....it's in neutral but the light comes on, but won't stay on when you let go of the lever.. Another new switch ....🤷‍♂️

That being said, it gave me 45mpg today.


Legendary Knight
Back to swearing at it ...persistent misfire under load. Another coil pack no doubt. Not consistent enough to say which one yet. Neutral switch still playing silly fechers....it's in neutral but the light comes on, but won't stay on when you let go of the lever.. Another new switch ....🤷‍♂️

That being said, it gave me 45mpg today.
As I'll be poking round mine with a meter to see why it's not charging I'll be joining in with the profanities


Legendary Knight
Much swearing today. I'm no autoelectrical expert but I don't think Reg/Rec units should smoke? Reading the Electrex website looking for a same/same replacement (it's got a 10 year old electrex unit fitted) I saw they do not recommend the use of Li-Ion batts and use of one voids their warranty.
So on top of a new reg/rec it looks like I've got to spring for a new lead acid battery, have a 70 quid Li-Ion battery doing fuck all (battery is fine) and then see if that was the actual problem with the charging after all.

Like I said above, I'd rather have found my repair last year to the circuitry was duff and I could just call myself a wanker and redo it.

[edit] I'll drop this here for info...
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Legendary Knight
I had read that Li-Ion batteries could screw the Regulator/Rectifier on bikes not designed to use them although I avoid them simply because I don't like paying that much. The battery I put in the Daytona was thirty quid delivered. Do you reckon it's the battery that caused the problem @chas ?

From what little I understand it's the 'regulator' side of the unit that screws up and stops contolling the voltage which causes it to heat up and frazzle.


Legendary Knight
I had read that Li-Ion batteries could screw the Regulator/Rectifier on bikes not designed to use them although I avoid them simply because I don't like paying that much. The battery I put in the Daytona was thirty quid delivered. Do you reckon it's the battery that caused the problem @chas ?

From what little I understand it's the 'regulator' side of the unit that screws up and stops contolling the voltage which causes it to heat up and frazzle.
I think so mate, I thought as the Electrex unit was a MOFSET unit and more modern it'd cope. Wouldn't have entertained it with an original reg/rec.
The info on the Electrex site is fairly recent else I'd have seen it when both of us had charging issues and I'd visited the site for generator/reg prices.
A live and learn moment.

half ton

Legendary Knight
I think so mate, I thought as the Electrex unit was a MOFSET unit and more modern it'd cope. Wouldn't have entertained it with an original reg/rec.
The info on the Electrex site is fairly recent else I'd have seen it when both of us had charging issues and I'd visited the site for generator/reg prices.
A live and learn moment.
Chas .. Have a look at www.rexs-speedshop.com they list several for speed triple and might be worth making a call to them ref lithium batteries and reg/recs