What have you done to your bike today....

half ton

Legendary Knight
Today I have been aimlessly riding round with two 1" thick pieces of closed cell foam and a sheepskin strapped to my seat it was a very firm ride but I think it has shown me how much padding the upholsterer is going to have to add to make me comfortable when I hand it over on Tuesday...probably going to look like I've got an anvil on the seat but yer got to be comfortable 😢


Legendary Knight
Went for ride this morning on the Guzzi through the countryside, really enjoyed myself even though the condition of the road surfaces was abysmal and there were an awful lot of lycra clad cunts about.


These cocks are a prime example of why the highway code should not have been changed to prioritise cyclists (cunts), selfish arrogant fuckers think they own the roads now, they knew I was there and refused to make any effort to use less of the road... so I might be appearing on some twats video footage.

Screenshot (13).png

Then got home and drained the engine oil, ready to replace with the new oil I was convinced I already had, but turned out I didn't 😳. So now got to wait to tomorrow for a delivery.


Legendary Knight
There definitely needs to be a big shake up of rules for cyclists and I think it won't be too long in coming. They gave them the sweetener of making some rules that favour them but I think there will be a payback in the form of new laws dictating how they can use roads, requirement for insurance, displaying of Identity plates and more. One of the major ones that needs to be introduced into law is giving way to faster traffic. We all know that the reason they refuse to give way, pull over to allow passing etc. is because they are all going for their 'Personal Best' and the roads, as motorcyclists have been told for decades, are not Race Tracks and therefore 'racing' of any sort shouldn't be allowed outside of specially organised events even if the 'race' is taking place well below the speed limit for the road.

Old Nick

Legendary Knight
I think the whole bicycle and scooter rules will need shaking up shortly - out in the sticks Country roads are infested with bicycles causing hold ups and near miss accidents and in the city cyclists ignoring traffic lights and charging into pedestrians and electric scooters belting along roads and footpaths again ploughing into pedestrians and other road users alike

Enough is enough now they really do need regulating :mad:


Legendary Knight
As you know, we also have an old T4 campervan. So, I use a few other forums for camper and motorhome stuff

Amazing how many people are having problems with Lithium batteries.
The guy at rexs (thanks again @half ton for the link, they're not far from me either) was both knowledgeable and helpful and much of what he said went over my head but it seems the Li Ion stuff despite their amazing cranking power don't hold enough amps to cope with the variable nature of an automotive charging circuit.

I'd heartily recco rexs to anyone, they 'make' things so understand them.


Legendary Knight
Dashed home from work to pull out the rear wheel for new rubber tomorrow

View attachment 19904

How’s that for a squared profile:oops:

Double checked paper work that was changed at 20,652 miles now done 31,646:eek::)

Will be replacing with Pirelli Angel GT again(y)
If it's lasted 10k and you didn't shit yourself whilst using that brand I'd go again too.

[edit] I can't see cording so I think you've another couple of thou in that :D