What have you done to your bike today....

Don the Don

Legendary Knight
Today my new Hydraulic ramp turned up so once placed inside the garage and some minor fittment of hardware like front wheel clamp and tie down loops I was ready to have a play, It is not the most expensive or highest spec available but can take the Bonnie with ease but not larger bikes like a GS or the likes but that's fine, so placed the Enfield on and had a little tat and play what a pleasure to work with should have done it years ago, so at the moment I'm like a dog with a new dick, ain't life grand when you don't think about the rest of the shit.

Doc Strange

Legendary Knight
Today my new Hydraulic ramp turned up so once placed inside the garage and some minor fittment of hardware like front wheel clamp and tie down loops I was ready to have a play, It is not the most expensive or highest spec available but cam take the Bonnie with ease but not larger bikes like a GS or the likes but that's fine, so placed the Enfield on and had a little tat and play what a pleasure to work with should have done it years ago, so at the moment I'm like a dog with a new dick, ain't life grand when you don't think about the rest of the shit.

Cool - can't beat getting a new toy!


Doc Strange

Legendary Knight
Picked the GS up in Ldn yesterday and rode it back home - everything now workign as it should and a nice new pair of Metzler Tourance next on it.

Glad I hit the window in the weather - nice and dry all the way.

In fact traffic was so good that I managed 135 miles in 135 minutes, door-to-door :)



Forum Duck
OK...After thinking long and hard about upgrading to a bigger bike I've decided it makes sense to stay with the versys...
Don't mean I can't dream though from time to time...
So now I'm thinking about fitting a centre stand..They range in price from £79 - £260 from what I've been looking at...

However seeing our @Don the Don post on his hydraulic lift got me thinking about other options that may actually prove to be much more useful..
So I was looking at one of these..
Anyone had one got one or know if they are any good...
Would this be a more beneficial tool than having a standard centre stand

I've never used one myself and have no knowledge of them but I understand you can do anything to your bike with them from working on forks to changing oil or general maintenance or over winter storage...
It seems a better choice...
Ideas and opinions on a postcard please...:)🦆


Legendary Knight
If you have an overhead rafter or hook you can suspend either end or the whole bike far more cheaply (less than £40) with one of these:
Just thinking of people who could be dangled off one of those........or a series of them.................


Forum Duck
If you have an overhead rafter or hook you can suspend either end or the whole bike far more cheaply (less than £40) with one of these:
Landlady would not allow that 😒 🦆