What have you done to your bike today....


Legendary Knight
Do fancy brake lines really and truly make a difference? I have never upgraded brake lines on any bike I have ever owned. Never had a problem stopping (as long as I was driving with due care and attention). I haven't relocated any rear calipers either as, so far at least, I haven't had any problems with my rear end.

Bad Billy

Piemantino Rossi
She lives!

No unwanted puddles on garage floor, so bunged seat back on then went to fill her up - no problems, so a quick blast to the motorway and back to run her through the gears and all good.

Back now, cooling down - fairing panels on next and jobs a good 'un!

And flushed with enthusiasm, I've just booked Donny for the 4th May!

Good man, I have booked Donny for 12th July with a few mates,

Sarky B’stard

Legendary Knight
Do fancy brake lines really and truly make a difference? I have never upgraded brake lines on any bike I have ever owned. Never had a problem stopping (as long as I was driving with due care and attention). I haven't relocated any rear calipers either as, so far at least, I haven't had any problems with my rear end.
The chances are if you’re riding a Triumph with less than 40k miles and not much more than 15 yrs young its standard hoses will still be ok. The original Bonnie lines were braided and reasonable quality. Approaching 20 yrs they are worth changing but the chances are old age and old fluid are more responsible for any perceived improvement after switching rather than any actual improvement in nominal spec. Basically new fluid is less compressible and new lines less inflatable!

Don the Don

Legendary Knight
Do fancy brake lines really and truly make a difference? I have never upgraded brake lines on any bike I have ever owned. Never had a problem stopping (as long as I was driving with due care and attention). I haven't relocated any rear calipers either as, so far at least, I haven't had any problems with my rear end.
I am doing it because I can, I prefer to overhaul the braking system as I know it will be a job that will not be required for some time , brakes are one of the most neglected parts of any machine and I like mine to be safe, for a minimal price I can change the hoses as I change the fluids, the caliper relocation is my choice I have had problems in the past with underslung calipers and again as I was able to acquire the conversion at reduced cost I went for it, I don't need any go faster goodies or fancy silencers but the items I do require Brakes, electrics, and the engine I won't to be as healthy as possible for long term ease of maintenance and peace of mind.


Legendary Knight
I can well see your point @Don the Don I'm just a cheap, sloppy fellow who finds it hard to reach into the old pockets for custom goodies.
I've found changing the lines on older bikes making a clear improvement on braking performance in the past so now it's something I'll fit as a matter of course. More a 'Job done, don't have to think about that ever again' mentality.


Legendary Knight
I am doing it because I can, I prefer to overhaul the braking system as I know it will be a job that will not be required for some time , brakes are one of the most neglected parts of any machine and I like mine to be safe, for a minimal price I can change the hoses as I change the fluids, the caliper relocation is my choice I have had problems in the past with underslung calipers and again as I was able to acquire the conversion at reduced cost I went for it, I don't need any go faster goodies or fancy silencers but the items I do require Brakes, electrics, and the engine I won't to be as healthy as possible for long term ease of maintenance and peace of mind.

The HEL lines look good as well 😜



Legendary Knight
I am doing it because I can, I prefer to overhaul the braking system as I know it will be a job that will not be required for some time , brakes are one of the most neglected parts of any machine and I like mine to be safe, for a minimal price I can change the hoses as I change the fluids, the caliper relocation is my choice I have had problems in the past with underslung calipers and again as I was able to acquire the conversion at reduced cost I went for it, I don't need any go faster goodies or fancy silencers but the items I do require Brakes, electrics, and the engine I won't to be as healthy as possible for long term ease of maintenance and peace of mind.
Agreed. I had to straighten some bends in the hose and bend it around a bit to fit. It was quite rigid in places and I thought it might kink. Just a precaution. Will change the fluid at the same time.


Forum Duck
Do fancy brake lines really and truly make a difference? I have never upgraded brake lines on any bike I have ever owned. Never had a problem stopping (as long as I was driving with due care and attention). I haven't relocated any rear calipers either as, so far at least, I haven't had any problems with my rear end.
Yes they really do....

My bike is twenty years old though and who knows how old the brake lines were that were on it...

Doc Strange

Legendary Knight
A beautiful couple of hours out today - countryside was glorious, lovely sunshine, perfect.

Took the GS as wanted to focus on the ride as I knew I'd be 'monitoring' the Daytona if I took that out after all the work I've been doing. That can be tomorrow's run :)

I fuckin' luv bikes I do :)



Forum Duck
A beautiful couple of hours out today - countryside was glorious, lovely sunshine, perfect.

Took the GS as wanted to focus on the ride as I knew I'd be 'monitoring' the Daytona if I took that out after all the work I've been doing. That can be tomorrow's run :)

I fuckin' luv bikes I do :)

You lucky man...You done quite a bit of tinkering lately plus you getting in a bit of riding as well...
Fair play to you...👍👍👍


Forum Duck

Part of the thinking is to squeeze as much as possible in this week before the b/h weekend and leave that for other things - I predict very busy roads and lots of plod attention at the w/e!

Very wise...
I expect a lot of motorbike traffic near me...
I may set up a deck chair at the end of our lane and sit there with my sandwich and flask and watch em all go by...🙂