What have you done to your bike today....

Sarky B’stard

Legendary Knight
As @Sarky B’stard says the name of the boat is 'in honour' of the Vital Spark of the Neil Munro stories that were made into a number of TV Series although this boat was never used to represent her. She did appear on film briefly with Donald Sutherland though in Eye of the Needle in 1981. She was originally built for the Admiralty as ViC (Victualling inshore Craft) 72, along with many others of the coal burning Clyde Puffer design to supply the Royal Navy's Fleet with supplies etc. during WWII. The idea was that fuelled on coal they didn't consume the fuel oil that the Navy needed. After the war they were sold off by the Admiralty and an awful lot of them were bought to take up the role that the original Clyde Puffers served, taking coal and supplies to isolated coastal communities. There is another boat, oddly enough ViC27, now named 'Auld Reekie' which is at Crinan (or she was last time I heard) who did star in the 2004 Para Handy series as the Vital Spark with Gregor Fisher as Para Handy. The writer of the Para Handy tales, Neil Munro was born and brought up in Inveraray and is buried in the graveyard a little to the north of Inveraray by the roadside. Can anyone tell that I have a soft spot for both Clyde Puffers and the writing of Neil Munro? 😁
Have a certain affection for steam myself. Normally when making tea.....

You don’t need to be much of an industrial archaeologist to find masses of decayed wharves around the Hebrides that once saw a steady stream of puffers. My favourite is on Mull at Carsaig which gets the occasional outing as a film location. Fairly remote!


Legendary Knight
It is remarkable how we have lost our seafaring ways. My own village and the small village around the loch (Carrick) used to be connected to Glasgow, Dunoon etc. via regular Steamboats rather than roads. The road from Lochgoilhead to Carrick was only actually created somewhere around the end of WWII and, prior to that they relied on the regular Steamboat for all their supplies. I always feel a little sad looking at the expanses of water all around the West of Scotland with little to no traffic now when it used to be, and could still probably be, the quickest way to get around.

Sarky B’stard

Legendary Knight
It is remarkable how we have lost our seafaring ways. My own village and the small village around the loch (Carrick) used to be connected to Glasgow, Dunoon etc. via regular Steamboats rather than roads. The road from Lochgoilhead to Carrick was only actually created somewhere around the end of WWII and, prior to that they relied on the regular Steamboat for all their supplies. I always feel a little sad looking at the expanses of water all around the West of Scotland with little to no traffic now when it used to be, and could still probably be, the quickest way to get around.
You need a wee birlinn! The successor to the longboat......

Bad Billy

Piemantino Rossi
Rode it yesterday 2nd ride in, went out on my own. Wore new leathers boots etc, the bike had a brand new pair in Michelin’s on as well. Stopped for a coffee, heard another biker commenting on the chicken strips to his mate & it was an all the gear no idea kind of conversation. I saw an opportunity for a wind up, told them just returned to bikes after 25 years etc. The guy offers to show me the lines etc for a few miles then let me past & have a look how I get on, ha ha! Guess what happened? 😂

Public Enemy

Staff member
Rode it yesterday 2nd ride in, went out on my own. Wore new leathers boots etc, the bike had a brand new pair in Michelin’s on as well. Stopped for a coffee, heard another biker commenting on the chicken strips to his mate & it was an all the gear no idea kind of conversation. I saw an opportunity for a wind up, told them just returned to bikes after 25 years etc. The guy offers to show me the lines etc for a few miles then let me past & have a look how I get on, ha ha! Guess what happened? 😂
Did you disappear at warp speed?


Legendary Knight
Yesterday went out with the local club. It was so nice to see them all face to face and not on zoom. 10 bikes and 3 pillions, 180 miles total, into the Peak National Park. Some cracking roads which I'd not ridden before, just skirting the towns, Ashbourne, Matlock, Buxton etc. Cold ride though, dropped to 5C on a couple of high spots, but was nudging double figures by the time we split up at the K1 cafe. So good to be out again.

Steve 998cc

Legendary Knight
Rode it yesterday 2nd ride in, went out on my own. Wore new leathers boots etc, the bike had a brand new pair in Michelin’s on as well. Stopped for a coffee, heard another biker commenting on the chicken strips to his mate & it was an all the gear no idea kind of conversation. I saw an opportunity for a wind up, told them just returned to bikes after 25 years etc. The guy offers to show me the lines etc for a few miles then let me past & have a look how I get on, ha ha! Guess what happened? 😂
We all make that mistake once trying to hard on new rubber hope fully we and the bike is not too badly bent. would have loved to have seen the look on the t*ats faceas you disappeared out of view


Forum Duck
I moved over to this thread as it now more of a what you done with your bike thing now than a pissing me off thing 20210403_150851.jpg
The offending wire..
Gonna run a bypass bang the block connector back together and see what happens...
It might not even be what's preventing power to the fuel pump but its definitely something that is no longer doing what it was supposed to.


The Peace Keeper
Staff member
Rode it yesterday 2nd ride in, went out on my own. Wore new leathers boots etc, the bike had a brand new pair in Michelin’s on as well. Stopped for a coffee, heard another biker commenting on the chicken strips to his mate & it was an all the gear no idea kind of conversation. I saw an opportunity for a wind up, told them just returned to bikes after 25 years etc. The guy offers to show me the lines etc for a few miles then let me past & have a look how I get on, ha ha! Guess what happened? 😂
Brilliant! 🤣
That story has made my day Billy. I wonder if he tells the true story to his mate? 😉


Forum Duck
That's the best bit of wiring and soldering I've ever done in my life..
And there we have it..
Ignition on..
Fuel relay click..
Fuel pump whine..


sort of..old Frank conked out after a couple of minutes..

Public Enemy

Staff member


Forum Duck
Rear wheel is totally seized up..
Believe it or not that is a relatively new chain and sprocket and was completely clean and oiled before putting a heavy duty cover over it during the worse of the winter..The weather up here gets into every nook and cranny and totally mucks everything up...People don't realise just how harsh it is up here...
Rear brake lever master cylinder possibly seized up and will need to be serviced...
Sprayed copious amounts of wd40 over everything and let that soak in...
Working tomorrow so can't crack on with it..However off Monday so weather permitting I shall be taking the rear wheel off and clean and grease everything...