What have you done to your bike today....


Legendary Knight
How fast did you go @BAD LUCK DUCK ? Yesterday I took the Daytona up to 135mph, then I had to brake for some selfish bugger doing 60mph. Fastest I have seen (been brave enough to go) on her so far and she still had plenty of go left. Only problem around here is that, while we have long fairly straight stretches of road that are plenty safe enough to rocket on the unmarked plod have been sneaking about a bit and I can't afford to lose my licence :mad:


Forum Duck
How fast did you go @BAD LUCK DUCK ? Yesterday I took the Daytona up to 135mph, then I had to brake for some selfish bugger doing 60mph. Fastest I have seen (been brave enough to go) on her so far and she still had plenty of go left. Only problem around here is that, while we have long fairly straight stretches of road that are plenty safe enough to rocket on the unmarked plod have been sneaking about a bit and I can't afford to lose my licence :mad:
32mph slower than you that i noticed and I didn’t mean too and was just enjoying the bike and the road..I noticed the rev counter at over the 7000 mark and just thought shit how much road have I got left and immediately release the throttle..
I would have known i was doing that speed on my triumph sprint..I think the fastest I ever went on that was 116mph...

You beat me by a long way...
Fair play to you but now you got me thinking how fast can a Versys 650 go...😉


Forum Duck
How fast did you go @BAD LUCK DUCK ? Yesterday I took the Daytona up to 135mph, then I had to brake for some selfish bugger doing 60mph. Fastest I have seen (been brave enough to go) on her so far and she still had plenty of go left. Only problem around here is that, while we have long fairly straight stretches of road that are plenty safe enough to rocket on the unmarked plod have been sneaking about a bit and I can't afford to lose my licence :mad:

I'm not a speed freak and usually enjoy bimbling along at a steady 50 - 60 tops and enjoy taking in the views and just setting my mind free but today for some reason it just kinda flowed...

I aint got the skills to ride fast so a bit daft really but that bike is super smooth and makes it easy..


The Peace Keeper
Staff member


The Peace Keeper
Staff member
I like to hit just over the ton mark once in a while but once I hit that mark and got it out my system im quite happy tootling along...
I got no one to impress and 99.9% of the time it's just me on my own so I'm happy to do my own thing as and how I please..
Versys is short for "Versatile System"
It might not be a fast as some bikes. But it's fast enough for most riders & it'll go places something like a Fireblade wouldn't. Whilst being a lot more comfortable & with a bigger tank range.
In the real world away from a race track where such practicality counts. They are an absolutely awesome bike Duck 🙂


Legendary Knight
I have to say that in the past I haven't been much of a speed freak and the fastest I had ever gone was ever so slightly shy of 130mph on a GSX750ES and believe me it took a long, long straight piece of quiet dual carriageway and a lot of patience, not to mention nerves of steel to get there. I did actually hit around 130mph on my now dismantled Sprint RS. I am fortunate that I have a few stretches of smooth, fairly straight road that are something north of a mile long around here. They are often very quiet and have no junctions, or field entrances whatsoever so you know you can go ballistic without the risk of some asshole presenting the side of their vehicle and daring you to try and pass through it. I am not a racer by any stretch and would describe myself as quite a lazy rider. By that I mean that I will come out of a bend, or a junction and I will open the throttle hard but, long before the next bend I will roll it off and let the bike wash off a lot of it's speed before using the brakes to remove any further excess speed and repeat. I don't know how accurate it is but a buddy who used to race professionally many moons ago (sadly long since deceased) told me that you have to resist the desire to close or even reduce the throttle and let the speed go up as high as possible until it's time to brake hard for the next bend. It's bloody hard work and wears out yer brakes and, being lazy and a miserly Scot it's hard for me to bring myself to get into a racer mindset although, sometimes I have found myself on the Daytona and even on the now deceased Sprint, hell even now and then on the Bonnie's, unconsciously leaning forward over the tank and just rolling the bike into the twisties. When that happens it's like someone else is riding the bike and I'm just watching.

The Departed

Anyone can ride fast in a straight line, learning to read the road for twisties - and by that, I mean roads you've never ridden, and ride them with confidence is where every biker should be. That's my aim for this year, to get more confident in reading the lines.