What have you done to your bike today....

Sarky B’stard

Legendary Knight
The condition here is shite! Borders cooooonsil have major problems because for the size and population there is quite a lot of tarmac out East but in the West it is all unusually elevated so frost damaged every winter. The SNP rails about austerity but withholds money from Tory/Lib Dem councils while padding the inner cities. Useless piece of info Scottish Borders is the highest average height of UK counties. I live almost on the valley floor at 750’. Most of Northampton is about 170’ and I imagine the sea is only a few feet below Marty’s shed!

DD67 - you can build roads over your hills. Ours have some fairly challenging gradients so the roads avoid the lumpy bits. Plenty of ancient paths......yours got tarmac ours didn’t!

The Departed

Well today I took Dirty Diana the Daytona out for a run as I had just got a new leather delivered and needed to try it out. I was finding that the collar of my 'Perfecto' style leather was digging into the back of my neck when riding the Daytona so I bought a new collarless one. Much more comfortable. Anyway here's a few pics from the wilds of Argyll. All these are within less than ten miles from my home!
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The 'Tinker's Heart' on the Eastern shore of Loch Fyne
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The top of the road home from the Rest and Be Thankful
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About another half mile down the glen from The Rest
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This is the 'Home Straight' about a half mile outside of my village although this picture was taken on the way out but, on the way in, it's a great stretch to twist the throttle hard and blast it- No junctions, just a long straight single track stretch of road.

My first bike and in yellow.


Legendary Knight
Mine's a 'Green Goddess'. Sad I know but I actually gave her the name Diana not because of the Goddess of the Hunt but because of Diana Moran 'The Green Goddess' 😁

@Sarky B’stard I am actually all of about thirty feet above sea level as I live up a gentle hill from the shore of the loch, Surprisingly the roads around here came through the winter with surprisingly little frost damage and some of them like the rather brilliant hidden gem of a road from Strachur to Tighnabruaich have survived many, many years with little damage on them which I guess must be down to the very low volumes of traffic on them. When I had to go into Glasgow to take the missus to a Hospital appointment at the start of the year (Victoria Hospital on the South side) I had to do my best to dodge a pothole on Cathcart Road that was a bout three foot wide and two foot deep and it was just one of the dirty great holes in the road. That area of course happens to be Nicola Sturgeon's own constituency but the 'new Scots' she has installed there of course come from countries where roads are a novelty so they still vote for her on the proviso that she stops the UK government sending them home.
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Forum Duck
Well today I took Dirty Diana the Daytona out for a run as I had just got a new leather delivered and needed to try it out. I was finding that the collar of my 'Perfecto' style leather was digging into the back of my neck when riding the Daytona so I bought a new collarless one. Much more comfortable. Anyway here's a few pics from the wilds of Argyll. All these are within less than ten miles from my home!
View attachment 6630
The 'Tinker's Heart' on the Eastern shore of Loch Fyne
View attachment 6631
The top of the road home from the Rest and Be Thankful
View attachment 6632
About another half mile down the glen from The Rest
View attachment 6633
This is the 'Home Straight' about a half mile outside of my village although this picture was taken on the way out but, on the way in, it's a great stretch to twist the throttle hard and blast it- No junctions, just a long straight single track stretch of road.
Top photos mate...Nice looking bike...👍👍👍


Legendary Knight
Where are you heading for @Freck ?

I still have a pair of problems to solve with the bike - I am getting an error for the fuel level warning and twice now she has sort of choked from pulling away which has cleared after a short while but was like a fuel starvation problem. The fuel level problem isn't important except for the risk of running out of fuel but the stutter/choking is a wee bit more worrying. Seems to be a mechanical problem as no fault is coming up.


Legendary Knight
Where are you heading for @Freck ?

I still have a pair of problems to solve with the bike - I am getting an error for the fuel level warning and twice now she has sort of choked from pulling away which has cleared after a short while but was like a fuel starvation problem. The fuel level problem isn't important except for the risk of running out of fuel but the stutter/choking is a wee bit more worrying. Seems to be a mechanical problem as no fault is coming up.
We’re staying just a little way outside Fort William, a village called Blaich.
Mrs Freck and I are taking my Mum up there for a getaway for her 70th birthday. I’m going up on the bike and Mrs F is taking Mum in the car, then we’ve got a choice of vehicle depending on the weather. (y)
As for your error, the level sensors are quite basic and can stick or give false readings which cause fault codes to be stored. I don’t really take much notice of the fuel gauge anyway, just fill up every 100 miles or so.
The fuelling issue when pulling away could be a number of things, most probably just a slight deviation from optimum tune. Maybe a TB slightly out of sync with the others or something similar.
Is it still the standard map in it? That’s set to be quite lean at idle which could cause similar symptoms. I found a real improvement with pulling away by fitting a quick action throttle.

Sarky B’stard

Legendary Knight
My immediate suspicion is dirty injectors given the age of the bike. It could be vacuum leak around the inlet only apparent at low speed or even a misfiring coil but, off idle, dirt is the most probable. Have you tried injector cleaner in the fuel to dissolve any crap? Final thought is fuel pump pressure but you’d expect starvation higher up the Rev range.


Legendary Knight
Quite a bit north of me @Freck I believe that @Tallpaul is currently somewhere around Fort William. It is another real nice slice of Scottish country around those parts.

I'm afraid I am not sure whether the bike is on the standard map but possibly not. Someone amongst the previous owners seems to have boned up on their Daytona's as it appears to me that the reg/rec and, I presume, the alternator, have been replaced. Interestingly on that front I just read tonight on the Daytona facebook page that some guy had his reg/rec replaced by the dealer and they used one for a 675 which they said solves the problem. Has anyone else heard this?

I have fed some injector cleaner into the fuel @Sarky B’stard and the run today was partly to get that going through as the Injectors occurred to me too. I have been wondering if it might be a dodgy fuel pump but I would have thought that that would show up an error code. First time it happened I stuttered along for a couple of minutes and then it suddenly cleared itself. This time I stopped and switched her off and on a couple of times wondering if it might be a dodgy ignition or kill switch as both times it happened when starting up again after stopping. I might pull the fuel feed system out of the tank and replace the fuel pump with the one from my scrapped Sprint and see if that solves the problem, Every part in the fuelling system is shared with the Sprint so I have an entire set of spares that I can substitute in to see which one is causing the problem. I have read online that it's possible, if syphoning the fuel tank, to nudge something inside the tank that can cause problems but I haven't done anything like that myself and I doubt that, if that was the case, it would only happen occasionally.


Forum Duck
Quite a bit north of me @Freck I believe that @Tallpaul is currently somewhere around Fort William. It is another real nice slice of Scottish country around those parts.

I'm afraid I am not sure whether the bike is on the standard map but possibly not. Someone amongst the previous owners seems to have boned up on their Daytona's as it appears to me that the reg/rec and, I presume, the alternator, have been replaced. Interestingly on that front I just read tonight on the Daytona facebook page that some guy had his reg/rec replaced by the dealer and they used one for a 675 which they said solves the problem. Has anyone else heard this?

I have fed some injector cleaner into the fuel @Sarky B’stard and the run today was partly to get that going through as the Injectors occurred to me too. I have been wondering if it might be a dodgy fuel pump but I would have thought that that would show up an error code. First time it happened I stuttered along for a couple of minutes and then it suddenly cleared itself. This time I stopped and switched her off and on a couple of times wondering if it might be a dodgy ignition or kill switch as both times it happened when starting up again after stopping. I might pull the fuel feed system out of the tank and replace the fuel pump with the one from my scrapped Sprint and see if that solves the problem, Every part in the fuelling system is shared with the Sprint so I have an entire set of spares that I can substitute in to see which one is causing the problem. I have read online that it's possible, if syphoning the fuel tank, to nudge something inside the tank that can cause problems but I haven't done anything like that myself and I doubt that, if that was the case, it would only happen occasionally.
I replaced the ignition, ignition sticks alternator, rectifier fuel pump fuel relay fuel sender resealed the inner tank..replaced IACV hoses with OEM expensive hoses and gasket replaced injectors and fuel rail and @Scrappy was decent enough to travel up here and remapp and reset ECU for me and whilst all these things made huge differences for a while the issues always came back..I even replaced the wiring harness but still the original problem persisted..The inside of the tank is real sturdy and you can't upset anything in there...Drainage and air pipes in the tank clog up badly all the time but that's all really...I think with mine it's a wiring or engine management computer issue as I've done literally everything else including TB which is now perfect and sounds great when the bike works...its the most frustrating bike issue ever..I can empathise mate...

Doc Strange

Legendary Knight
@MartytheMartian is the fuel level issue the light not going off or not going on when it should?

The wire to the wire to the fuel level sensor often gets broken and the sensor has to be replaced - a straightforward job. If it's broken the light stays on.

If it's not going on when it should, that can be because it has stood for a while at the same point and got stuck so the slider doesn't slide - either replace or take apart and clean.

Can't help with the other problems I'm afraid.



Legendary Knight
@Doc Strange the strange thing is that the Fuel Level Sensor seems to be working normally as far as I can tell from the light on the clocks. I do wonder if the two problems are related as I seem to recall reading something somewhere that said that, while the sensor wouldn't be a problem for general running, if it thinks the tank is empty it will stop the engine running and I am thinking that, perhaps for some reason the float is occasionally dropping right to the bottom and making the ECU think that it's hovering on Empty.


Legendary Knight
I had the broken wire issue (well both wires broke) on the level sensor on my Sprint (same component) right at the bleeding point where it's sealed into the unit! In that instance I managed to solder them back into place, flood the area with Superglue to seal and strengthen the joint and get it working again. Very bad design, especially with the wires coming straight out of the bottom and right where they are best placed to get broken.