What have you done to your bike today....

Holy Shit

Legendary Knight
Another ride tonight but this time on the Rambler,first time in 16 months.Another beautiful Somerset evening,this time through the bocages area.
Having ridden the lads bike and swapped them over,there’s no doubt that the larger bike is a so much more assured ride and to my mind safer.I remember riding mopeds after I’d passed my test back in the 70s and thinking a push bike was safer and definitely larger bikes too.

Doc Strange

Legendary Knight
A couple of hours bimble with my neighbour, who was taking out his one-day old Guzzi V85 TT.

Hard to comment on his bike as he was taking it very easy as he is getting used to it, but it looks real pretty, and the seat height is definitely sub-GS height, and he is using the standard seat. It's also narrow, so the fella can get both feet down comfortably. Features that could well appeal to me when my hip means I can't swing my leg over my GS.


Bad Billy

Piemantino Rossi
Loved and checked her over for tomorrow we ride!!!!! Ok, cheesy twat but I'm leading a group of bikers around Hawes, Devils and surrounding areas. Be a change leading, I guess I just crack on and let them catch up, sorry follow
Crack on & catch up ...funny that! :ROFLMAO:

The first ever bike trip I did abroad was organised by a bike dealer in Southampton, there was over 60 on it, too many to keep in a group so we all split into smaller groups of mates, there were about 7 or 8 in my group & I was leading, I knew all the lads & they were all competent fast riders, except 2 that tagged on the back of us as they didn't get in anyone else's group.
Anyway we set off at a brisk pace which got seriously quick as we got clear of the Port & E routes out into the countryside, I was enjoying the ride so much I actually missed a turn as I didn't notice the sign. A few miles later we stopped for fuel & I was made aware of my mistake by my mate, the 2 taggers on arrived some time after & were proper pissy with me about the speed & missing a turn . I said that maybe they should lead which they agreed to do, so fueled up & off they went, it lasted maybe 10 miles before I got bored & fecked off again, the 2 guys never spoke to me again for the rest of the trip. :p

The Departed

^^^ Same to me, I went on an organised ride from the local bike shop; I lasted about 20 miles but seriously wtf? It was tedious—proper speed limits and indicators etc. I pissed off sharpish.

Last season I went on a good one, handing over at junction; 2nd rider holds off till everyone passed, and that continued. Speed was ok, except for one part I was stuck behind a his and her partner biker plebs. When we stopped, I had a right go at them for their shit riding. Over taking on a brow of a hill, wrong side etc. and just said ride at your speed don't follow. Idiots. Same didn't speak to me, which, to be fair, I didn't give a shite.

Bad Billy

Piemantino Rossi
^^^ Same to me, I went on an organised ride from the local bike shop; I lasted about 20 miles but seriously wtf? It was tedious—proper speed limits and indicators etc. I pissed off sharpish.

Last season I went on a good one, handing over at junction; 2nd rider holds off till everyone passed, and that continued. Speed was ok, except for one part I was stuck behind a his and her partner biker plebs. When we stopped, I had a right go at them for their shit riding. Over taking on a brow of a hill, wrong side etc. and just said ride at your speed don't follow. Idiots. Same didn't speak to me, which, to be fair, I didn't give a shite.
I used to organise & lead rides for TOMCC & RAT back in the day, used the tag system to great effect, means everyone rides at their pace, quick riders that got tagged end up at the back & when you see them again in your mirrors it gives you an idea of how spread out the ride is.
Gave up when I was reprimanded by an off duty policeman on one of Three Cross's rides for pulling a wheelie while leading the ride, once I realized this was the company I was keeping by leading the RAT rides & knocked it on the head.