What's Boiling Your Pi$$ Today?


Legendary Knight
@BAD LUCK DUCK Having known a few folks, including my wife who have all tried to get the assistance of NHS Mental Health services and having tried CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) myself I have to say that, no matter what problem you have with the old 'Intel Inside' they are absolutely feckin' useless. They know practically feck all and merely tinker, usually doing more harm than good. Any cure will come from inside yourself as you figure things out and make changes. The brain is an incredible, God given device that has the ability to re-wire itself without some nincompoop with a degree in Penis Envy studies messing with it.

CBT is utter shite. When I was sent for it I think I messed with the fella's head. He was a very pleasant Polish geezer and, after about five minutes of trying to do CBT with me he gave up and we spent the rest of that session and the half dozen that followed just having a blether and a laugh.


Legendary Knight
Just phoned Trent psychological service in Chesterfield to confirm that I wish to proceed with something called CBT..
We can arrange a telephone call or video call on October 20th..
" what's wrong with you people..I don't do either of those and you got all my details there in front of you explaining circumstances, situation and reasons why a specific criteria as to be met if I'm to be a patient " I said...

"We don't do face to face in person appointments and have no contact details for you so have been unable to contact you and arrange anything " she said..

" If you don't have my phone number and address how did you call me two days ago or send me a letter or were able to confirm my details a second ago " I said...
She repeated herself talking bullshit and I said just send me a letter confirming that you are unable to fulfill your promise to help me and that you just keep messing me about and stalling all the time passing the buck..

Fucking liars..How is anyone supposed to confide and trust these people with real life past experiences and the effects they have on our every day lives when they're a bunch of lying incompetent fucking pc fucking excuse after excuse half wits. I wouldn't trust em to watch paint dry...fucking wankers..lying fucking bullshiting wankers...

If they don't have my details for writing letters or contacting me by phone..what the fucks this..
Oh yeah that's right I'm crazy and just imagined they phoned and wrote to me...
Well now your all crazy to and imagined you saw this post..
You crazy mad hallucinating nut jobs you...View attachment 10173View attachment 10174
Trying to do cbt remotely is fucking pointless. It's just ticking the box so they can say they're doing something.
In any therapy you need a strong rapport with the therapist. You have to trust and believe them. And they have to earn that, it's not something you have to give.
They may as well tell you to take a couple of fucking asprin.

Steve 998cc

Legendary Knight
Duck I had CBT my employer payed for it privately the therapist I had just listened and steered it. she ended my sessioons after 4 sessions like others on here I thought it was useless went back to work there was an incident and I used to much force. So was offered some more CBT. I saw the same therapist first words were if you wont be honest and tell me the real reason you have a problem I can't help you so I did open up to her don't remember driving home from the first 5/6 sessions discharged after 12 sessions been ok since that was nearly 20 years ago the only thing she gave me was some coping stratagies still got them. Only had to use them after 1 bad incidents at work. I will be forever grateful to Sue my therapist.
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The Peace Keeper
Staff member
CBT for myself as well.
It isn't a secret but I can't be arsed to type it all out. I'll tell ya'll over a beer or 10 at some point.

Meanwhile the short version is.......
She was hopeless. Far too much time spent at University. Not enough time spent in the real world 😏
Her initial educated guess was a fair assumption. But it took me weeks to convince her that she was barking up the wrong tree.


Legendary Knight
Out on the bike this evening and some twat pulls out in front of me on a roundabout, so I sounded my horn and made a few hand signals whilst blasting past the car, anyway a few hundred yards after the roundabout are a set of lights, which were red, the car pulls up alongside me and the window comes down, so I'm prepared for an exchange of abuse, but the occupants are at least three very pissed (intoxicated) women, the driver included I believe, asking me if I've got a fucking light for their cigarette :mad:

The Departed

Out on the bike this evening and some twat pulls out in front of me on a roundabout, so I sounded my horn and made a few hand signals whilst blasting past the car, anyway a few hundred yards after the roundabout are a set of lights, which were red, the car pulls up alongside me and the window comes down, so I'm prepared for an exchange of abuse, but the occupants are at least three very pissed (intoxicated) women, the driver included I believe, asking me if I've got a fucking light for their cigarette :mad:

Eeeeee if you was 40 years younger you'd have give them a right fucking.