Forum Duck
I might as well confess now although most people know already I have been known to dabble in amputee porn...IMO a big part of the problem is that left wing activists are now embedded in most organisations, like the media and the civil service, so that when the odd politician does try to stand their ground those lefties do a hit job. Take Pritti Patel for example, she started in her position trying to kick her department in to shape, but her subordinates tried very hard to stitch her up with accusations of bullying etc, and running to the media who were all too willing to assist in the attempted assassinationAnd as I firmly believe that most of our politicians are tainted and have skeletons in the closet, they are too afraid of their dirty little secrets being exposed if they do stand up to the screeching lefties.

I'm not ashamed either...
sexy bints with no arms and legs don't need tying up other than in an artistic way as in wrapping a rope around em and using them as a yo yo...
Other than that and my girls and guns I'm in the clear politics wise..