What is boiling my piss right now is those, pardon my French, fucking moronic tartan and braveheart, SNP following arsehole bastarding tossers who declare that anyone who doesn't believe their shite propaganda that Scotland is better off independent are 'Vichy' Scots, Tory Trolls, English in disguise, traitors, scum etc. etc. and a whole hell of a lot of them aren't even truly or wholly Scots! Man if anyone is needing a wake-up call it's those pricks. Do they really think that a small country with little in the way of industry, farming etc. nowadays that hasn't been independent for over three hundred years and has never had 'hard borders' with the lands to the South since the days of the Roman conquest is better standing on it's own rather than remaining as part of the united fucking island that we share? The sort of pseudo slave mentality where everything bad ever done was done to Scotland by the English against our will because we don't have enough bodies to sway the majority at Westminster makes me want to puke and is all very well if it makes the little dicks feel better about their lot as they can pass the blame for their shite lives on to this mythical 'big bad boy south of the wall' but this is the future of the country and it's people and, if it all goes tits up I very much doubt that the rest of the Island who Scotland would have essentially given the finger to is unlikely to welcome us back with open arms. They talk about what a catastrophe Brexit has been for Scotland as it was 'taken out against it's will' but they don't seem to realise that Independence would make Brexit look like a wee argument over who was going to look after the petty cash in comparison. I am incredibly proud of a lot of my forebears and some of my fellow Scots but others utterly disgust me with their pathetic girning and groaning over how someone else made their lives shit and they would be eating off gold plates if the pigs at the trough were in Edinburgh instead of Westminster. Utter bullshit the lot of it. The only disadvantage Scots ever had in the UK is the small mindedness and willingness to blame others when things aren't the way they want them to be rather than owning and conquering the problem. Somewhat like another culture convinced it has been kept down? It is amazing that Scots once charged around the world contributing massively to making Britain Great and becoming immensely wealthy in the process. I am a proud Britain of ancient ancestry not some pathetic fucking slave without any control over my destiny.
Of course, if Independence is achieved and it all goes tits up you can bet Wee jimmie Crankie and her pals will have enough dosh in the banks and escape plans so they can flee to Argentina and leave the poor benighted sycophant followers of the Tartan Nazi dream to suffer for their sins.
It doesn't help that I have personally met Wee Nickie, Alex Salmond, John Swinnie and Mike Russell of the SNP and I wouldn't invite any of them into my home without locking up the silver and I wouldn't cross the street to piss on them if they were on fire! Horrible people.
Rant over, now that felt good!
P.S If the fuckers do succeed can I and my family claim asylum in England? It would grieve me to have to leave my homeland but it would sicken me to have to live in a land controlled by those pricks.