What's Boiling Your Pi$$ Today?


Legendary Knight

I think Reform will do better than most are expecting, and with Farage leading it will encourage even more people to vote for them which is good. However I personally don't trust Farage, he has a history of not seeing things through, and I suspect that after the election he will once again walk away... unless of course Reform could actually pull off a miracle and actually win.

I'm quite optimistic regarding Reform UK, I think they will surprise many with the level of support they achieve, I don't know anyone in my circle of family and friends that is not going to vote for them. They are not perfect by any means, but they are a step in the right direction.

There is no way I could vote for either Conservative or Labour, I consider myself to have too much intelligence, conviction and honour to vote for either of those two sick, evil and pathetic parties of depravity. IMO voting Tory, Labour, not voting, or spoiling your ballot paper, will achieve nothing other than increasing the size of hole below the waterline of an already sinking ship, and those that do only have themselves to blame when they/we are drowning.


Legendary Knight
I think we have to realise now that it's not the rich or the poor who are the real problem in this country, or in the rest of the world either. The rich aren't great enough in number to wield real power and are also responsible for creating the wealth th>vat the nation depends on and the poor are the engine of the machine with even the unemployed being a part of the economy that keeps money flowing out of the public pot and back into the economy. The real problem is and has always been, those in the middle in the law, local government, education, politics and all the other 'public servant' roles who create nothing but take lots and dictate to everyone else how it's going to be.

Ever since the rise of the 'Welfare state' and the increasing control of government the middle classes have used 'socialism' to make the poor believe that the wealthy industrialists and businessmen are the enemy and this has allowed them to dictate the terms of the world. Of course the Conservatives as they are now see the advantage in keeping that perception rolling because it works well for them too as, if the poor realised the real balance of power they wouldn't be nearly as easy to control.

Reform may be the only political hope and I will be voting for them and encouraging others to do the same but I have a grave suspicion that they are just more of the same middle class political animals just working another angle. Real change will take the people getting together and revolting against the order of our society.


Legendary Knight
The way I see it is the middle class are "the useful idiots" and the pawns of the elites. The lefty middle classes, if not directly paid for, and brainwashed by the elites via their media organisations and global institutions. Look at who owns nearly all the MSM and publishing organisations, and how much money the likes of Bill Gates pumps into MSM organisations (including the BBC I believe), paying for the narrative he desires. George Soros funds; racist, communist, lefty, woke, anti-UK, pro-EU, green climate alarmist activists and protest groups, to push his agenda. Also there is the Clinton foundation, King Charles, Klaus Schwab and the WEF (who Gates, Soros, King Charles, and I believe the Clintons, are active members), Biden, Nancy Pelosi, and Anthony Fauci, who all use their positions to influence or indoctrinate the middle class lefty liberals.


Legendary Knight
I agree that it suits the elites down to the ground to have the middle classes preaching socialism, while blaming the elites for all the world's problems, which is why I said that the Conservatives and their followers are happy to keep the narrative going because, without the liberal middle classes there would be no curtain for the Wizards to hide behind and we would realise just how little power that wealth gets you without the middle classes to administer to all your needs and keep selling the ideological opium of how it's someone rich who is to blame for their ills and not the thousands of idle bastards getting a fortune each in pay out of the public purse just for pushing stupid bits of paper around and making 'legislation' that only serves to tie everyone up in nice little bureaucratic knots.

A good capitalist society needs wealthy businessmen and it needs workers but it doesn't need layer after layer of assholes making nothing but earning a lot in the process.


Legendary Knight
The MSM will do everything they can to put down Farage and Reform. They did the same with UKIP, first tried to make them out to be a bit of a joke party, then when they seemed to be getting some support they then tried to make them out as a far right party full of racists even though they had a few black and Asian members and candidates. I was on Hope not Hates list just because I stood as a councillor for UKIP, funny thing was, at that time my one if my best mates was black and went to football matches with an Indian mate but that wouldn't have fitted their twisted agenda.