Feckin thieving council!
My council tax bill has just arrived & it's £2104.
For what exactly?
The Police are less use than an ashtray on a motorcycle. Unless they are persecuting motorists, then they are hyper efficient! They definitely don't have my best interests at heart anymore. As I'm not a disabled, black, transgender, illegal immigrant.
The bin men won't empty my recycling bin if there's a rogue crisp packet in there "contaminating" the bin

Garden rubbish collection now incurs an additional charge. It used to be included in the rip off tax.
I don't have kids using the local schools.
My local library was shut yonks ago & campaigns to reopen it have failed. Allegedly due to a lack of funding?
The town centre looks like a n.other town somewhere in Eastern Europe, Somalia or Afghanistan etc. Only far more dirty & derelict.
The roads resemble the surface of the moon only with more craters (maybe not a local council issue but I thought I'd drop it in during my rant

The council f#cked up a loan of millions of £'s to the local football club a few years back. Basically the money was stolen.
Ever since then the local people have been carrying the can for their incompetence. Loads of local services have either been the subject of huge cutbacks or permanent closure. And every year since they've applied the maximum possible increases to our council tax!
I normally pay the bill in one hit. Only because that way it only boils my pi$$ once. Not every month for 10 months.
However, this year I think I'll make the c#nts work for their pound of flesh.
I'll only be paying enough to stop any court proceedings & only after multiple requests to pay up.