What have you done to your bike today....


Forum Duck
Lawn mowed - check
Large weeds removed - check
Gravel drive swept up - check
Car washed - check
Bike cleaned - check
Tyre pressures at 37 - check
Chain play at 25mm - check
Chain cleaned and lubed - check

All ready for the thunder storms this evening and rectal torture next week and it’s not even 11.00am :p
I'm supposed to be gardening on my day off tomorrow..
This is how I see myself in the garden doing the weeding 🦆


The Peace Keeper
Staff member
Anyone stopped by Plod on the way home would have stunk like a slop tray!
Years ago I got hold of a large quantity of a very strong Dutch beer called "Maximator"

We hosted a BBQ & one of our guests was driving home afterwards so he was drinking soft drinks.
At the time he was the landlord of a pub & was keen to try that Dutch beer.

Long story short...
I gave him a couple of cans to take home. He swerved to miss a deer in the road. Hit a grass bank & rolled his car several times. The cans of Maximator burst & soaked him & the interior of the car.
The Cops turned up & gave him numerous breath tests before finally believing that he was sober 🧐

Big Sandy

Legendary Knight
My mate always tested positive on a breath test. He used to insist on a blood sample, which always proved he was sober. There was something amiss with his stomach and oesophagus, it would light the thing up like a Christmas tree!

Mind you, he had his name on every board for miles round for fastest yard of ale. The way his clacker worked he could just tip it back and it poured straight in.

Sarky B’stard

Legendary Knight
My mate always tested positive on a breath test. He used to insist on a blood sample, which always proved he was sober. There was something amiss with his stomach and oesophagus, it would light the thing up like a Christmas tree!

Mind you, he had his name on every board for miles round for fastest yard of ale. The way his clacker worked he could just tip it back and it poured straight in.
Auto brewery syndrome. My wife once nursed someone with it 🤔



Legendary Knight
Took the Daytona out for another wee spin today and she didn't miss a beat. I think I'm also getting used to the riding position again too as I was more comfortable in the saddle although it wasn't that long a run as there were too many cars around and I much prefer it when I have this part of Scotland pretty much to myself.


Legendary Knight
Took the Daytona out for another wee spin today and she didn't miss a beat. I think I'm also getting used to the riding position again too as I was more comfortable in the saddle although it wasn't that long a run as there were too many cars around and I much prefer it when I have this part of Scotland pretty much to myself.
I'll try not to curse anything by alluding to it but glad you had an incident free trip ;)