What have you done to your bike today....


Legendary Knight
While the Honda CG125 is away at bike hospital, we looked at the cost of replacing the saddle cover and the cheapest on ebay was a previously fitted one at £33, or a new one at £45. We went into Kidderminsters Fabric Direct and bought a metre run of black vinyl for £9.99. This will yield enough to recover my SL100 seat later. I showed Elwood how to pick out the old staples with a screwdriver and pair of pincers and then got him to wash the base in soapy water. While the base dried, we cut the fabric roughly to shape and then stretched and stapled it to the clean seat pan. Luckily this is made of plastic and in decent condition. The original cover was tailored, with a stitched panel at the petrol tank end, so we needed to insert a couple of pleats to get round the contour. Both very pleased with it and certainly better than the old damaged one, which had become as cracked and crumbly as a pensioners' femur.......... 20221211_181220.jpg
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Legendary Knight
I got the call to collect the little bike this morning. A bit bloody cold for handling a trailer and all the gubbins that goes with it, but very happy to collect the repaired item. I poured a litre of Halford 10/40 into the crankcase and kicked it over a few times with no plug in. I shot some GT85 down the bore and put the plug back in. The clutch is seized and I hope to free that without splitting the cases. Any way, a quick squirt of GT85 into the intake and voom, off she went! A few more squirts and then onto the tank supply until it got nice and warm. It only runs on full choke, so the carb is now in pieces on the dining table, the jets were all gummed up and the main carb body is going through several cycles in the ultrasonic cleaner.

Doc Strange

Legendary Knight
Grabbed a couple of hours this morning before heading off for festivities in Sheffield.

Bright sunshine, beautiful countryside and a lovely bimble.

Took it easy as expecting hightwat density today, but not too bad.

That's it until at least next Tuesday - just as well as from 5pm today, I do not expect to be sober for at least 48 hours :)

Have fun out there folks!


Doc Strange

Legendary Knight
Got out yesterday and today for a couple of hours each day - managed to return before the rain yesterday, and it's gorgeous but nippy here today.

Roads proper empty, but a fair few bikers out.

Slowed down for various lasses in jodhpurs today - best an 8/10!

I love my GS I do :)



Legendary Knight
Managed to get out for a few hours today (y) first dry-ish day for weeks.
Only one small shower but down to about 3 degrees up in the hills in the Lake District.
Bike looks like I’ve been off roading now I’m back home, but it was all worth it to get out for a blast (y):D
No jodhpur sightings for me unfortunately :confused:


Legendary Knight
Inlet manifold arrived today and now the little CG125 idles nicely off choke. Top end is a bit rattly, easy fix and the clutch is still seized, so the side cover will be coming off tomorrow for some diagnostics. I think a little gentle screwdriver action may release things once inside. In preparation, I removed the footrest/side stand which need some heating and straightening. a job for my little brother and his oxyacetylene gear.

Doc Strange

Legendary Knight
Managed a quick 90 minutes earlier - getting a bit breezy out there, but a nice read and good for me 'ead.

On a small lane I use to connect a couple of faster roads I passed between two recently ploughed fields, and I saw more crows in one place than I have ever seen before - possibly hundreds, all sweeping up and down and having a good munch - awesome sight.

Not superstitious at all, but still wished good afternoon :)
