What have you done to your bike today....


The Peace Keeper
Staff member
Took the Enfield out today for a nice bimble, blue skys sun shining, stopped by Lossie and had the bike MOT'ed, no problems, must change those shite mirrors though never mind can't see past your elbows I can't see past me tits, deffo not made for a brouder built chap like myself more for those who can kiss a goat between the horns, so some Halcyon bar end jobs for the future just put some mirror extenders on for now, enjoyed the ride out now to overhaul the Bonnie brakes and such when the rest of the bits turn up.
Please post a photo of the mirror spacers I fitted to your Versys.
They took the view from elbows to an uninterrupted view of behind the bike.

Public Enemy

Staff member

Don the Don

Legendary Knight
A few jobs on the Enfield today "First" went to fit the 23 watt Indicator bulbs and relay kit as opposed to the meagre 10watt setup, but replaced the interceptor type oblong units for some proper British units as the cheap standard ones do not take a normal bulb it needs to be a small straight type instead of the traditional bulb type and they are crap plastic and awkward to work with, Then I replaced the standard silencer for a Hitchcocks made in Britain better quality and so much lighter silencer, let it run for a while and the system adjusted to the new silencer, works and sounds great, Now next week the Bonnie Brakes.


Legendary Knight
A few jobs on the Enfield today "First" went to fit the 23 watt Indicator bulbs and relay kit as opposed to the meagre 10watt setup, but replaced the interceptor type oblong units for some proper British units as the cheap standard ones do not take a normal bulb it needs to be a small straight type instead of the traditional bulb type and they are crap plastic and awkward to work with, Then I replaced the standard silencer for a Hitchcocks made in Britain better quality and so much lighter silencer, let it run for a while and the system adjusted to the new silencer, works and sounds great, Now next week the Bonnie Brakes.
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That's a lovely looking machine... and very very clean (y)


Legendary Knight
Took the space hopper out today. I had planned to go to Inveraray and back but I decided to go up to the lower end of Loch Awe. Got there and then decided to go a bit up the side of Loch Awe. After that I kept on up to the top of Loch Awe. Then I decided it might be nice to go round the top and go back down the other side. Covered about 150 miles all in and returned home, hardly able to walk and fatigued but I really enjoyed it and the old Bullet didn't miss a beat. I have to say that, if you ever find yourself in the Oban/Inverary/Loch Awe area the single track B-Roads that run around the South and West sides of Loch Awe are incredible. The Road from Ford to Taynuilt is incredible with steep rollercoaster dips and rises, long sweeping series of S-bends with clear view for good distances and some really 'interesting' bends that are almost switchbacks or hairpins. Even though it's a single-track road it's wide, pretty clean and all but potholes free. Needless to say I absolutely loved it!
Weather was fairly bright and clear but it was pretty bleeding nippy and I regretted not wearing my sheepskin jacket. Still not summer yet.
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Legendary Knight
On the downside, when I got home the missus was a bit upset because I'd left saying I 'wouldn't be very long' and two hours later she hadn't heard from me while, meanwhile my stepdaughter was on the phone telling her that the father of her best friend had been killed on his bike just outside Garve up north. That your neck of the woods @Big Sandy ? Apparently he misjudged an overtake and went head on into a car.


Legendary Knight
Aye @Don the Don I don't know the exact story but it was something along the lines of him pulling out, overtaking and smacking head on into a car driven by a woman with her little girl in the passenger seat. Very sad for all involved. While I was plodding out to Inveraray and going up the side of Loch Awe there was no shortage of folks taking their lives in their hands and overtaking on their bikes when they really shouldn't have especially in groups where everyone feels they have to keep up with the leader of their pack.


Legendary Knight
Took the space hopper out today. I had planned to go to Inveraray and back but I decided to go up to the lower end of Loch Awe. Got there and then decided to go a bit up the side of Loch Awe. After that I kept on up to the top of Loch Awe. Then I decided it might be nice to go round the top and go back down the other side. Covered about 150 miles all in and returned home, hardly able to walk and fatigued but I really enjoyed it and the old Bullet didn't miss a beat. I have to say that, if you ever find yourself in the Oban/Inverary/Loch Awe area the single track B-Roads that run around the South and West sides of Loch Awe are incredible. The Road from Ford to Taynuilt is incredible with steep rollercoaster dips and rises, long sweeping series of S-bends with clear view for good distances and some really 'interesting' bends that are almost switchbacks or hairpins. Even though it's a single-track road it's wide, pretty clean and all but potholes free. Needless to say I absolutely loved it!
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Weather was fairly bright and clear but it was pretty bleeding nippy and I regretted not wearing my sheepskin jacket. Still not summer yet.
Great pictures Marty. Rose and I rode those same roads 2 years ago when we stayed for a week in Fort William. Just shown her and she wants to do it again, gets my vote!