What have you done to your bike today....


Forum Duck
I'm hopefully weather permitting going to meet my nephew and his son tomorrow to recreate a photo from over twenty years ago...
Motorbike stuff is easier and hell how all of you do family things and stuff...

I'll get back to you all on this..
All I know is Motorbike stuff breaks the ice and apparently builds bridge's...

Bit gay but I'm gonna try cos it turns out my nephew as rode a Motorbike or two...🦆

Doc Strange

Legendary Knight
£2,18 a litre...
Communist bastards...
Super unleaded you expect 10 - 20p more but 60p a litre more🦆

That's crazy - local Sains and Tesco are about 1.40 for regular and 1.58 for super. 2.18 is more than I paid on the M1 the other week!

Today has been a quiet BB shift - couple of jobs mid-day, but don't expect anymore before I finish at 7 and head to chippie.

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The Peace Keeper
Staff member
Bike passed M.O.T...
However I'm about ready for a new rear tyre as its squared off due to me suffering from URS ( you arse ) Upright Rider Syndrome....
I need to learn how to lean over and get my knee on the tarmac...🦆
I'll introduce you to my mate that rode that Versys home from the east coast for me. He only used twisty A roads. No dual carriageways or motorways.
During the journey he knackered a set of toe sliders on his new boots.

Fair warning though Duck.
The guy could set competitive lap times whilst riding the crate a race bike is delivered in 😀
Attempts to emulate him, by those less skilled. Could result in serious injury or even death?!? 😳

Maybe you should just enjoy the bike within your own limitations mate?
I'd rather arrive last & in one piece. Having enjoyed the ride at a pace I was comfortable with 🙂


Legendary Knight
Bike passed M.O.T...
However I'm about ready for a new rear tyre as its squared off due to me suffering from URS ( you arse ) Upright Rider Syndrome....
I need to learn how to lean over and get my knee on the tarmac...🦆
Ride within your comfort zone. The graveyard is full of riders who ran out of talent. Just enjoy two wheels and Stacy reaching around..................


Legendary Knight
I have to say that when I'm out and about, plodding around here I often see the guys out from Glasgow and parts further afield coming around bends with the knee on the tarmac and I don't think 'now that's talent' I just think, 'you better hope there ain't a pothole around the next bend not to mention a Deer, a patch of diesel or a tourist stopping to take pictures. If you must do that sort of thing find a piece of quiet road somewhere, check it over thoroughly for potential hazards, maybe even have a spotter to watch out for traffic and then have a go at it but not on roads you don't know, haven't checked and which are liable to have unpredictable tourists on them. There isn't a year that goes by around my way that there aren't at least a couple of fatal bike crashes.

Not for me. Yep I'll open it up on a long straight and enjoy the sensation of speed (Daytona of course as the Bonnie's and Bullets ain't fast) but I go round the bends well within limits that allow me to take evasive action should I need to. I don't fear death but I see no reason to encourage the bastard to take an interest in me.

half ton

Legendary Knight
I've had a couple of scares this year, One was a van parked on his phone on the inside of a blind corner ,,, I was probably doing 40mph and still nearly crapped myself any quicker and I would have been part of his back doors. I did let him know he was a cunt and another 100 yds would have been a better option on a straight section of road 🙄

Doc Strange

Legendary Knight
I need to learn how to lean over and get my knee on the tarmac...🦆

As others have said, that ain't a good ambition to have if you don't want to end up in hospital - knee down on a public road is not worth going for!

I know where you're coming from though, so if you've got to scratch that itch, do it on a track. Those 'race schools', like the old Ron Haslam one at Donny, would be one way to approach it - just tell your instructor that that's what you're there for. And that way, you won't be risking your own bike.


Doc Strange

Legendary Knight
I rode up to Bradgate Park, I wanted to have a look around the ruined house which was the birth place of Lady Jane Grey (the nine day Queen), so I was disappointed that you can only view it from the outside ☹️ But I still had an enjoyable ride there and back 🙂

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Interesting bit of history that - will head there myself at some point.

Lovely ride out this morning round Melton, Oakham and taking in cake and cuppa at Buttercups.

Removed thermal layer from kit last night - the right decision (y)

And don't know if it was the good weather but other road users seemed sane and polite - met two, yes TWO, decent groups of cyclists: first heard me coming, looked over to check and rearranged their group pattern so I could smoothly pass them on a bend, and the final fell in the second group warned me of horses ahead.

Now to cut the lawn and start packing for our hols :)

Enjoy those roads folks!



The Peace Keeper
Staff member
Yeah, I know my Merc isn't a bike so you'll have to make allowances.
But I did 89 miles today, top down & going nowhere in particular on lovely twisty/sweeping country roads. I loved every minute of it 🤗

I observed the speed limit in the 20's, 30's, 40's & 50's. But was a tad less law abiding in the 60's 😗

Cos the sun was out, I saw loads of bikes. And dozens of super-cars. I'd imagine there was a show on somewhere & it was owners clubs that I was seeing. As I'd see 4 Aston Martins, then 3 Lamborghinis followed by half a dozen Porsches & a couple of Ferraris etc etc. All were heading in the opposite direction to myself. So I got to listen to numerous (glorious) engine tones as they bombed past 🙂

Amazingly Plod wasn't laying in wait for them in order to..."Help ensure road safety" (aka get several easy £100+ fines)... 😒

Public Enemy

Staff member
Took a run down to Bangor today. Bit of a recce for our trip to Ireland in 2 weeks time via Holyhead ferry to Dublin. Good weather all the way there and back.
Took a little detour over Cat and Fiddle on return. What a great road that is.
And if anyone's ever heading that way, I can thoroughly recommend the OK Diner on the A494 at Mold. Great food and great service. 20230523_123812.jpg