What have you done to your bike today....

Doc Strange

Legendary Knight
Day off today but plans for longer ride got hijacked by need to repair shower - still managed a couple of hours though.

Usual bimble around Melton area and cuppa and cake at Buttercups.

Going through Langar, I noticed a war memorial near the airfield - will check it out further when have more time.

Got back before the rain :)


half ton

Legendary Knight
Had a few hours back road scratching on the Matchless with my Brother on his Enfield 500 Classic , when I'm on my Meteor I have to ride it like I stole it to keep him in view , But the Matchless is so bloody easy to ride fast I can hang on his coat tails which is no mean feat (ex racer) .... this bike is really growing on me :love:

Doc Strange

Legendary Knight
Changeable conditions at Donny yesterday evening, dry bits, damp bits, but little actual rain during my sessions.

The wetter it was, the less I got over taken!

Bit of damp meant fewer people there and more leaving early - so less crowded on track :)

A good evening (y)


Donny July 23.jpgDonny July 23 2.jpg
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The Peace Keeper
Staff member
Changeable conditions at Donny yesterday evening, dry bits, damp bits, but little actual rain during my sessions.

The wetter it was, the less I got over taken!

Bit of damp meant fewer people there and more leaving early - so less crowded on track :)

A good evening (y)

In the late 80's I was bought a track/experience day at Silverstone. The company were called something like..."The John Watson School Of Performance Driving"...(or something equally as cheesy)

Session one was in MG Montego's. That dates the story eh! 🤣
I did ok but nothing outstanding.
Then session two was in single seater formula Fords & it started to pi$$ down!
Consequently, as the only biker there & therefore the only driver used to wiping rain off a visor with the suede finger of a bike glove.
I lapped everyone else, & multiple times! 😀

When it came to the debrief. Being a youngster & being congratulated by some of the instructors. Went down like a sh!t in a swimming pool with the guys more than double my age. And presumably with way more than double the years driving experience! 😉

I did get told off for overtaking though. As we'd been told it wasn't a race. Yeah right, as if anyone was gonna listen to that. Rain or no rain! 🙂

Doc Strange

Legendary Knight
In the late 80's I was bought a track/experience day at Silverstone. The company were called something like..."The John Watson School Of Performance Driving"...(or something equally as cheesy)

Session one was in MG Montego's. That dates the story eh! 🤣
I did ok but nothing outstanding.
Then session two was in single seater formula Fords & it started to pi$$ down!
Consequently, as the only biker there & therefore the only driver used to wiping rain off a visor with the suede finger of a bike glove.
I lapped everyone else, & multiple times! 😀

When it came to the debrief. Being a youngster & being congratulated by some of the instructors. Went down like a sh!t in a swimming pool with the guys more than double my age. And presumably with way more than double the years driving experience! 😉

I did get told off for overtaking though. As we'd been told it wasn't a race. Yeah right, as if anyone was gonna listen to that. Rain or no rain! 🙂


But silly being upset by being trounced by youngsters - they could have been doing it since they could walk in a family of drivers/riders.

Some of the youngsters at bike trackdays are amazing!



Legendary Knight
We had intended to ride to Barmouth for fish and chips, but several riders dropped out last minute so we are saving that one for another day. 5 of us on 3 bikes rode over Wenlock Edge and Long Mynd to The Brides Inn for lunch and chin wag. Very sedate pace but good to get out for a run on the 790 which ran beautifully.


Legendary Knight
We had intended to ride to Barmouth for fish and chips, but several riders dropped out last minute so we are saving that one for another day. 5 of us on 3 bikes rode over Wenlock Edge and Long Mynd to The Brides Inn for lunch and chin wag. Very sedate pace but good to get out for a run on the 790 which ran beautifully.
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@Tallpaul where did you get your polished front frame brace? - I usually have to touch up the paint on my standard one every year due to stone damage and then corrosion, I've seen stainless replacements (like in the link below) but yours looks ideal being more substantial and not a full on sump guard (y)
